Fourteen political parties and groups have united to create the Egyptian Bloc, a political and electoral alliance with the purpose of creating a modern civil state in which science is considered an important element.
In a statement released by the bloc, during their inaugural conference, the group stressed that their alliance was not created to oppose any other political group and that all parties and political forces in Egypt are welcome to join.
They added that the bloc plans to run for seats in the upcoming elections with a unified candidate list, using the same slogan.
The bloc includes several prominent Egyptian parties such as the Egyptian Democratic Front Party, the Egyptian Social Democratic Party, the Free Egyptians Party, the Free Egypt Party, the Tagammu Party, the Awareness Party, the Tahrir Sufi Party, the Egyptian Communist Party as well as the Farmers Syndicate, the Popular Worker’s Union, the National Association for Change and the National Council.
The bloc also includes two members of the Wafd Party: Alaa Abdel Moneim and Mustafa El-Guindy.
The group say they believe that Egypt is a promising nation and should be established as a modern state where science takes precedence. Egypt, the group said, deserves a democracy in which all factions of society are represented from the far left to the far right, without any discrimination based on religion, race or gender.
The statement said that the bloc will focus on creating equality and social justice in Egypt so that the poor can live a decent life with education, health insurance and proper housing.
Mohamed Abul Ghar, member of the Egyptian Social Democratic Party claims that the bloc was not created to oppose any political force in Egypt and that Islamists are welcome to join the party if they share the values specified by the bloc.
Osama Ghazali Harb, head of the Egyptian Democratic Front, added that Egypt is now redrawing its political map. He therefore states that it is logical for all political parties who believe that Egypt should be a civil state and who share similar views, should come together.
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