A boat cruises along the river Nile in Cairo (Photo: Reuters)
The average share per individual of produced fresh water decreased by 1.5 percent from 105 cubic metres in 2012/2013 to 103.4 cubic metres in 2013/2014, according to CAPMAS' yearly environmental statistics.
Even though the amount of produced fresh water in Egypt increased by 0.9 percent during the same time, consumption increased by a much greater rate of 10.04 percent, state news agency MENA reported on Monday, citing the CAPMAS report.
The 0.9 percent increase in the total amount of fresh water produced by stations translates into 8.87 billion cubic metres in 2013/2014, compared to 8.79 cubic metres in 2012/2013.
As for consumption, the total amount of consumed fresh water was 6.6 billion cubic metres in 2013/2014, compared to 5.98 billion in 2012/2103 – an increase of 10.04 percent.
Egypt faces environmental challenges of "increased pressures in water resources and a decrease in per capita share of water," according to the United Nations Development Programme.
According to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation, total renewable water resources in 2014 per inhabitant was 699 cubic metres per year.
Egypt hence falls below the poverty line of 1,000 cubic meters of water resources per inhabitant per year.
The Nile is Egypt's main source of freshwater, as it provides 95 percent of Egypt's water resources, according to the State Information Service.
It is expected that the share per inhabitant of water resources in Egypt will decrease to 500-600 cubic metres in 2025, according to last year's report by CAPMAS.
Oil products and natural gas
The consumption of oil products and natural gas reached 73.36 million tonnes in 2014/2015, an increase of 0.43 percent compared to 2013/2014 when the consumption was 73.04 million tonnes, according to the report.
The amount of CO2 emissions from the consumption of petroleum and natural gas increased in 2014-2015 by 2.13 percent, from 197.14 million tonnes in 2013/2014 to 201.34 million tonnes in 2014/2015.
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