Solar alignment at the ancient Karnak temple in Luxor, Egypt, Tuesday, December 22, 2015 (Photo: Eman El-Hwari)
Luxor’s ancient Karnak temple complex will be illuminated within by the rays of the rising sun on Friday, in an event that occurs twice per year, on the winter and summer solstices.
This year’s solar alignment is scheduled to begin at 6:31 am. The sun appears in the middle of the temple’s eastern gate, and then illuminates other sacred parts of the site including the open courtyard, the hall of columns, and the sanctuary of the god of Amun, state news agency MENA said.
The temple will be open for visitors for free on the day, Al-Ahram Arabic website reported.
The spectacle usually draws a large number of tourists to the famed site.
Friday will mark the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, the longest night and shortest day of the year.
Also on Friday, the sun will illuminate the sanctum of the Karun Palace temple in Fayoum, south of Cairo, around 15 minutes later, lighting the sacred room for a short period of time.
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