A file photo of Egypt's PM Mostafa Madbouly ( Photo: Al-Ahram)
The cabinet committee tasked with reviewing requests to legalize unlicensed churches has approved the legalization of 80 churches and attached buildings.
In a statement issued on Monday, Egyptian cabinet spokesman Nader Saad said the committee charged with reviewing and legalising unlicensed churches made its decision following an review of requests filed by congregations to regulate their churches’ statuses.
The churches will be legalised on condition that they meet construction safety requirements and fulfil the state's rights in regard to churches built on state-owned land.
The decision brings the number of legalised Christian houses of worship since the committee was established in 2017 to 588.
In 2016, the government passed a law easing regulations and shortening time-length of obtaining licences for church construction and renovation.
Egypt's Christians make up an estimated 10- 15 percent of the country's 104 million population.
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