Egypt activists protest in solidarity with Tunisia uprising

Ahram Online , Saturday 15 Jan 2011

Egyptian dissidents hope to replicate the Tunisian events

Several Egyptian groups called for demonstrations to support the Tunisian uprising and celebrate the end of Ben Ali's rule.

Two demonstrations were called for this Saturday. A demonstration was supposed to take place at 1 PM in front of Tunisia's embassy but activists say security presence is "massive".

"Security trucks are surrounding the embassy and police are checking every car passing by" says activist Gihan Ibrahim. Dozens of activists were barred from assembling in front of the embassy.

Another demonstration is planned to take place today at 6 PM in front of the press syndicate to celebrate the end of Ben Ali's rule.

Egyptian opposition activists see the Tunisian uprising as reason for hope and a sign that change is possible in other Arab countries.

Abdel Halim Qandeel, a Kifaya leader and spokesperson, was quoted on the movement's website saying "Egypt needs a Mohamed AbouAzizi and not Mohamed El-Bradei", implying that change should come from the people and not from political figures.

Groups calling for today's demonstrations include Kifaya, Karama (pan-Arab party), The Revolutionary Socialists and Hashd (leftist group).

Demands calling for democratic reform in Egypt started in 2004 with the birth of the Kifaya (Enough!) movement.

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