Egypt's Socialist Popular Alliance rejects Morsi dialogue

Ahram Online, Monday 28 Jan 2013

Socialists call for dismissal and prosecution of interior minister for 'killing protesters', condemn attacks by security forces on peaceful demonstrators

Egypt's Socialist Popular Alliance logo

The Socialist Popular Alliance Party has rejected President Mohamed Morsi's call for a national dialogue.

The party has also demanded the dismissal and the trial of the interior minister for "killing protesters."

In a statement issued late Sunday, the group also condemned the "performance of security forces when dealing with peaceful demonstrations" in recent days.

"The violence by security forces will push protesters to use more violence," it added.

The "real perpetrators and masterminds" of the Port Said Stadium disaster, which killed 74 people in February 2012, should be put on trial, not just those who "carried out the crime."

Twenty-one out of 73 defendants were given the death sentence in the Port Said disaster trial on Saturday. The verdict on the remaining defendants, including policemen, will be announced on 9 March.

After the verdict, relatives of the defendants and angry locals tried to storm the main prison in Port Said and clashed with police.

Violence is still ongoing in the city and has left 39 people dead and around 300 injured.

Protests and riots also broke out elsewhere in Egypt on the second anniversary of the January 25 Revolution, most particularly in Suez, Ismailia, and Tahrir Square in Cairo.

During an address to the nation on Sunday, President Morsi said the violence was the "ugly face of the counter revolution" and announced a state of emergency in Suez, Port Said and Ismailia.

The president has invited eleven parties to a national dialogue, including the Socialist Popular Alliance, liberal Constitution Party, head of the Popular Current Hamdeen Sabbahi, moderate Islamist Wasat Party, Salafist Nour Party, and the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party.

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