Ahram Online votes for Sabbahi as Egypt’s president

Ahram Online, Tuesday 22 May 2012

Ahram Online staff chose leftist candidate Hamdeen Sabbahi as Egypt’s new president

Ahram Online votes

Hamdeen Sabbahi beat competition from ex-Muslim Brotherhood figure Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh to become Egypt’s first president following Hosni Mubarak’s downfall, according to the votes of Ahram Online staff.

Abul-Fotouh, who is deemed by many to be an Islamist-liberal candidate, had the upper hand in the first round, garnering 10 votes out of possible 34 - two more than Sabbahi who finished as the runner-up.

Nasserite candidate Sabbahi, who has gained ground in the last few weeks to emerge as a genuine contender, roared back in the run-off to win in style, collecting 24 votes to Abul-Fotouh’s 10.

Several foreign journalists had the chance to cast their ballots in Ahram Online’s transparent, free and fair elections.

Six votes were invalid: four decided to boycott the poll, one voted for Mohamed ElBaradei despite his withdrawal and one said he/she was still undecided.

Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate, finished second-from-last after gaining only one vote, while Ahmed Shafiq, who served as prime minister during Mubarak’s final days in power, had zero votes.

Leftist Khaled Ali, the youngest presidential candidate at 40 years old, came third with six votes, three more than fourth-placed Amr Moussa, the former foreign minister who served under Mubarak for 10 years.

Ahram Online would like to make it clear that the poll is by no means representative of any segments of Egyptian society, nor will it affect the website's coverage of the anticipated elections.

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