Ambassador of Egypt to Belgrade Amr AlJowaily and Bojana Breskovic (Photo: courtesy of the Egyptian Embassy in Belgrade)
The Serbian National Museum, the largest and oldest in the Balkans, will host a roundtable on 12 July titled 'Ancient Egypt in Serbian Society,' according to Ambassador of Egypt to Belgrade Amr Aljowaily, who met with the museum's director Bojana Breskovic.
The roundtable will be the first activity after the official reopening of the museum on 28 June, Aljowaily revealed following a preopening tour of the museum. The museum has been closed for renewal since 2003.
The roundtable will be presented within the framework of a campaign by the Egyptian embassy entitled '#EgyptALLogy,' which aims to bring the history of ancient Egypt to the non-specialised audience, which is passionate about exploring the evolution of human civilisation.
“We are very happy that the first cultural activity of the museum will be dedicated to the cultural heritage of Egypt in Serbia,” Aljowaily said, highlighting that this year marks the 110th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
Aljowaily also said that bilateral cooperation mechanisms are being discussed with the Antiquities Restoration Centre of the Grand Egyptian Museum. He strongly praised ongoing efforts to prepare for the opening of the National Museum of Serbia after the renovation.
Director of public relations at the museum Lidija Ham extended an invitation to counterpart institutions in Egypt to participate in the opening of the Serbian museum.
Ham highlighted the continued interest in enhancing cooperation with the National Egyptian Museum and the Grand Egyptian Museum, stressing that the Serbian museum's collection of ancient Egyptian items, which include a funeral mask and a mummy, will be displayed later at the Belgrade Museum.
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