Images Of Truth (Photo: courtesy of India by the Nile)
The captivating show, Images of Truth (Satya ke Pratiroop) returns to Cairo within the space of the ongoing India by the Nile festival (5-17 March).
Directed by Dadi D Pudumjee, founder of the Ishara Puppet Theatre Trust (1986), the musical, non-verbal show offers an audiovisual view into Gandhi's achievements and the compound effects they had on contemporary India, resulting in an inclusive experience for all generations.
Deemed groundbreaking and subversive at the time of its debut, the puppet play was commissioned in 1993 by the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, a leading government-funded arts organisation in New Delhi, and produced by the Ishara Puppet Theatre Trust in India.
Images of Truth was staged in Egypt during the 5th India by the Nile (2017), in Cairo and Alexandria. Those who missed the show will have an opportunity to watch the story of Gandhi wrapped in highly artistic expression.
One of the two Cairo shows will take place in the Pyramids International School, coming closer to students and introducing to them the many ideological, creative and social values that the performance encompasses.
Gandhi is a recurrent subject of many artistic activities held by the Indian Embassy in Cairo and it's cultural wing, represented by the Maulana Azad Centre for Indian Culture (MACIC). Not only Gandhi is among the featured topics of the India by the Nile festival, but also over recent years Indian entities have organised a variety of painting, drawing and poster competitions, as well as lectures and seminars, focused on Gandhi and his message.
Saturday, 9 March, 8pm
El Sawy Culturewheel, Zamalek
Sunday, 10 March, 12pm
Pyramids International School, Cairo
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