Blogger Maikel Nabil health deteriorating in prison
Ekram Ibrahim, Thursday 15 Sep 2011
Blogger on 24-day hunger strike now refusing water, prison administration prevents visits

Maikel Nabil, the blogger sentenced to three years in prison after writing the blog post, “the people and the army were never one hand,” is currently suffering major health problems after undergoing a 24-day hunger strike.

“I'm unable to leave bed now, I feel great pain and loss of vision as soon as I stand-up, that's because of not drinking water for more than 2 days,” according to the letter sent by Nabil and published on his official campaign website.

According to Nabil’s letter, several people visited him recently but the prison administration barred their entry.

“I am not refusing visits and I strongly need them, but I refuse medical examinations and I am objecting the prison administration’s refusal to record the reasons for my thirst strike in official records, in addition to other reasons.”

According to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), Nabil was sent to a military court for “insulting the military” and “disturbing public security.”

He was taken from his home and detained on 28 March 2011.

“Nabil is accused of insulting the military and it is not a matter of opinion,” a member of SCAF told the MENA news agency on 3 September 2011.

Nabil is currently the only blogger in military prison for a blog post published after the January 25 Revolution.

While many support Nabil, he has failed to win the support of a majority of activists due to his supportive attitude towards Israel. He has called for Egypt and Israel to co-exist peacefully and put an end to the conflict between them. Nabil’s views on Israel stem from his belief in individualism and individual liberties.

“I oppose the continued harassment which the Egyptian regime commits against Israel, such as getting involved without justification in the 1948 war,” Nabil wrote on his blog.

Since the Egyptian revolution more than 12,000 citizens have faced military trials. Such trials are severely condemned by several activists and politicians as against human rights.

Two weeks ago SCAF promised to end military trials of civilians after they have abolished the emergency law, supposedly before upcoming parliamentary elections. However, SCAF reversed its decision and announced on Sunday that it would reactivate the emergency law and extend its implementation until June 2012.