Proverb of the day: Like the tassel of the camel bag, it neither straightens it nor tilts it زي شرابة الخرج لا تعدله و لا تميله
Ahram Online, , Thursday 5 Nov 2015
Like the tassel of the camel bag, it neither straightens it nor tilts it

زي شرابة الخرج لا تعدله و لا تميله

Zayy shorrabet el khorg, la te’delu wala temayyelu

Translation: Like the tassel of the camel bag, it neither straightens it nor tilts it.

Meaning: Don't let the strange wording confuse you; this proverb simply means that someone is useless, spineless, or irrelevant.Shorrabet el khorg, or the tassels on the bag used when riding a camel, serve little purpose. Politicians fear the first part of this proverb, which is still in use. Call someone ashorrabet khorgand they’ll have to deny the charges immediately.