Israel infiltrates Gaza Strip
MENA, Monday 21 Mar 2011
Israeli military vehicles infiltrate and bulldoze areas in southern Gaza as occupying forces fire on homes

A number of Israeli military vehicles infiltrated the Gaza Strip from the south through the area of Al-Nahda east of Rafah Monday.

According to MENA, two vehicles and three bulldozers combed and flattened areas in Al-Nadha as Israeli occupying forces opened fire on houses.

The Israelis infiltrate the border areas south and north of Gaza from day to day. They usually shoot at farmers and civilian houses as well as bulldoze agricultural land.

A ‘buffer-zone’ is enforced by the Israeli occupation around the barrier separating Gaza to the north and east. Anyone who approaches it is shot. Several incidents included children being killed or wounded for collecting rubble near the barrier.

The declared 'buffer-zone' supposedly extends at 300 metres from the barrier, but Israel effectively shoots at about a kilometre away.