Search Result
" american mission"

7 results

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
3/25/2023 6:31:00 PM
Excavation work carried out by an American mission from New York University at the temple of Ramses II in Abydos has stumbled upon a menagerie of mummified animals that provides previously undocumented evidence of cultic worship through the ages.

World - International
10/17/2021 12:11:04 PM
About 15 American missionaries and family members were kidnapped on Saturday by a gang outside the Haitian capital, a local security source told AFP.

Antiquities - Ancient Egypt
2/23/2016 2:42:49 PM
The tomb of King Senosert I’s stamp bearer was discovered at the El-Lisht archaeological site in the Dahshur necropolis

World - International
3/3/2014 10:05:02 AM

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
1/8/2014 8:20:00 AM
The tomb of the founder of the 13th dynasty of the Second Intermediate Period was discovered in Abydos at the Upper Egyptian city of Sohag

Egypt - Politics
9/29/2012 12:44:14 PM
US embassy sends out alert to its citizens in Egypt warning against possible attacks targeting 'female American missionaries'

Egypt - Politics
9/17/2012 9:13:36 PM
The state security prosecutors will look into accusations the owner of Islamic TV stations denigrated the holy religion by burning the Bible at the American mission while protesting anti-Islam film