Search Result
" the Egyptian Museum"

43 results

Egypt - Politics
4/6/2015 11:54:16 AM
The underground garage, in front of the Egyptian Museum, was opened in January

Heritage - Islamic
7/10/2014 7:58:16 PM
Eight Islamic decorations from a Cairo mosque and a sarcophagus lid were smuggled out of Egypt and ended up in Copenhaged and Paris

Multimedia -
5/10/2014 7:27:33 PM

Heritage - Museums
5/10/2014 5:59:05 PM
An exhibition of 200 stolen artefacts opened Saturday at the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
4/29/2014 8:55:07 PM
Undercover agent breaches smuggling ring and secures stolen objects, including a statue of King Tutankhamum

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
4/24/2014 1:04:41 PM
Antiquities theft has flourished in Egypt in the three years of chaos since the 2011 uprising, robbing this ancient civilization of an indeterminate amount of heritage

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
4/14/2014 9:13:00 PM
Two extension buildings of the former National Democratic Party's (NDP) headquarters in Tahrir Square, next to the Egyptian Museum, will be razed

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
12/29/2013 3:27:01 PM
The Ministry of State for Antiquities will receive tomorrow from Belgium a green faience bust of a 27th dynasty prince that was stolen and smuggled of the country

Business - Economy
6/4/2013 3:38:22 PM
Antiquities ministry employees once again demand better wages, a clean ministry and permanent contracts - this time upping the ante by closing off the Egyptian Museum to tourists in Tahrir Square

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
4/22/2013 7:55:49 PM
Rare leather fragments uncovered recently in the depths of the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square will help Egyptologists to solve the mystery of the Pharaohs’ leather chariots

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
2/19/2013 1:02:26 PM
Five artefacts from collection of boy king Tutankhamun are to be transferred to new Grand Egyptian Museum, overlooking Giza plateau, for restoration

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
12/13/2012 3:05:59 PM
Damage to mummy of King Amenhotep II was probably caused by leakage of nitrogen from humidity controlled showcase, antiquities minister says

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
9/28/2012 4:16:56 PM
Minister Mohamed Ibrahim honoured the students and staff who assist visitors to the Egyptian Museum

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
7/17/2012 1:44:53 PM
The Egyptian Museum will display a rare Ptolemaic sarcophagus of a rat Tuesday after museum curators in Germany helped discover it was was illegally in Europe for at least 15 years

Heritage - Museums
4/9/2012 11:55:56 AM
The Egyptian Museum of Barcelona gathers artefacts from various museums until 20 July, offering a priveleged audience a hard-to-match exhibition on beauty and fashion in Ancient Egypt

Heritage - Museums
2/28/2012 4:08:40 PM
Minister of State for Antiquities Mohamed Ibrahim asks Egypt's Prime Minister Kamal El-Ganzouri to hand over headquarters of the former president's party, as research proves it used to be part of the museum garden

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
1/26/2012 1:16:05 PM
The Egyptian museum in Tahrir square reopens its doors to public after three days of close.

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
11/20/2011 8:36:48 PM
SCA officials say museum is safe, drawing 13,000 visitors within last three days despite nearby violence

Heritage - Ancient Egypt
10/28/2011 6:53:02 PM
A collection of 122 ancient Egyptian and Greco-Roman artefacts, found in Australia, will soon be on display at the Egyptian Museum

Heritage - Museums
7/12/2011 4:01:33 PM
The Egyptian museum is beginning attract a more normal flow of visitors

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