Tarek Osman 's Articles

Six changes are underway in the Arab world that raise important questions about their meaning and the future of the region, writes Tarek Osman

Europe must confront the fear that is haunting it if it is to face the future with clarity and confidence, writes Tarek Osman

Tarek Osman discusses Europe’s political landscape

America has been experiencing a new type of fear over recent decades, leading it to confront some difficult choices, writes Tarek Osman in the last in a series of articles

The past decade has seen the introduction of fear into the American psyche, a new phenomenon largely alien to the country’s collective history, writes Tarek Osman

The American experience in the Arab world has gone from romanticism to realpolitik over the past two centuries, with many Arab eyes now increasingly looking east, writes Tarek Osman

There are two major considerations regarding America’s positioning in Asia, both having to do with its view of China, writes Tarek Osman

America has begun to see China as a civilisation rather than merely a Communist regime, representing a major change in its strategic thinking, writes Tarek Osman

Tarek Osman takes a long view at the US in the light of the changing global conditions

Three decades after the end of the Cold War the US may have missed the peace dividend that should have guaranteed its economic prosperity and unchallenged place in the world.

The last decade of the 20th century witnessed America’s dominion over the rest of the world, while the first decade of the 21st witnessed its growing confusion.

Victory in the Cold War opened a new phase in America and for the country in the rest of the world, writes Tarek Osman

America came to the world in three distinct phases, the last after its overwhelming victory in World War II, writes Tarek Osman

America’s success in the world in the seven decades since World War II has always been a function of how well its brand is perceived abroad, writes Tarek Osman in the first in a series of articles

The Ottomans tried to introduce reforms so that the people did not abandon the Ottoman idea and imagine replacements for it. They failed, writes Tarek Osman

In the century since the fall of the Ottomans, no political project has proved more successful or more calamitous than Arab nationalism, writes Tarek Osman

Of all the political projects that emerged in the Levant after the fall of the Ottomans, the modern state of Lebanon was the most ambitious and most fraught, writes Tarek Osman

Hashemite rule has been among the most enduring political structures in the Levant in the century since the fall of the Ottomans, writes Tarek Osman

The fall of the Ottoman Empire a century ago led to the emergence of new political ideas in the Levant, North Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula that continue to mark the region today, writes Tarek Osman

Tarek Osman continues his series on Middle Eastern geopolitics by looking at US, Russian, and Chinese policies in the region

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