Referee blows the final whistle.
Powerful shot by Msakni but the keeper blocks it. He should have scored.
What a chance ! Khazri misses from close range.
GOOOAAAL FOR ANGOLA. Campos scores the equalizer after a blunder from the Tunisian keeper.
Msakni falls in the area but referee waves play on.
Free kick to Tunisia. Khazri curls the ball in but the defence heads it clear.
Powerful shot by Kechrida but it goes next to the post.
Tunisia have the upper hand in this second half.
The second half is underway
Half time
Sliti dribbles in the area but his low shot was blocked by the last defender.
GOOOAAAAL FOR TUNISIA. Msakni scores from the spot.
Penalty for Tunisia after Sliti was brought down in the area.
Msakni sparkles in the area but he is surrounded by defenders and loses the ball
Djalma fires from long range but the ball goes over the bar.
Kechrida fires a powerful ball but it goes over the bar
Tunisia are dominating the game but can't get through their rivals defence.
Siliti squandered a golden chance for Tunisia
The match is underway
Tunisia's national football team is in its best shape ahead of the anticipated African Cup of Nations, according to head coach Alain Giresse, who insisted that the recent friendly win over Burundi has made the team familiar with the expected difficulties at the AFCON.