The cave is thought to have been used by pilgrims and travelers
Three edifices from the Mameluke, Ottoman and Ayyubid eras were inaugurated Monday in Historic Cairo after intensive restoration
The government has spent EGP 1,200,000 on providing golf carts at the site
Marzouk Al-Ahmady in Gamaliya district has been closed to worshippers because of the collapse
A smuggling attempt of five Qurans was foiled today at Cairo International Airport
The Ministry of Antiquities starts conservation and development of both Al-Ashraf Khalil and Fatma Khatoun located on Al-Ashraaf Street in Historic Cairo
Investigations are currently underway to determine the cause of the blaze
A door and decorative elements stolen from the Sultan Al-Kamel Al-Ayyubi shrine inside Al-Imam Al-Shafie Dome have been recovered
The Sultan Al-Kamel Al-Ayyubi shrine is located within Al-Imam Al-Shafie Dome, one of the largest of the Ayyubid era
Today the Ismailia Museum celebrates its 83th anniversary, with further restoration works in the area to be undertaken soon
The six recovered Islamic-era lamps are to be included in a special display at the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square opening Thursday
The collapsed minaret is not registered on Egypt’s antiquities list and is not affiliated with Egyptian law governing the protection of antiquities.
The lamps date to 1910, constructed out of glass with Quranic verse from the Surah An-Nur written in Mameluke raised script
Rare manuscripts, documents and antique copies of the Quran from the ministry's collection will go on display for the first time
Sultan's Fair exhibition is to be held on Tuesday evening in the Qayet Bay area at Cairo's City of the Dead.
The Seized Antiquities Unit impounded 43 boxes of books and manuscripts on Sunday after suspecting illegal shipping; refers to the National Archives manuscripts