(Photo: Al-Ahram Archives)
In the first of our ‘Egypt's photographic memory’ series, we celebrate Salah Jaheen, as today marks 30 years since Egypt bid farewell to one of her dearest and most talented sons.
A pillar of vernacular poetry, a talented cartoonist and a great screenwriter, Jaheen's talent flourished in all these realms with equal excellence, grace and great inspiration.
In all his works, he sided with freedom and the marginalised, and expressed his love of this country.
His philosophy of life reflected that of most Egyptians; a mélange of satire and a sense of humor, while always believing that the best is yet to come. This was a crosscutting theme in all his artworks, which in itself is a form of resistance.
Below is a link to a recitation of Jaheen's poetry by his son and grandson, poets Bahaa Jaheen and Ahmed Haddad, in Berlin 2011 while celebrating Jaheen's 80th birthday by the Al-Dar non-profit organisation in collaboration with the Egyptian embassy in Berlin.
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