Ex-Catalan leader Puigdemont freed with conditions in Belgium

Reuters , Monday 6 Nov 2017

File Photo: Catalonia's leader Carles Puigdemont arriving to address media representatives at The Press Club in Brussels. The separatist party of deposed Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont, against whom Spain has launched an arrest warrant, said today they wanted him as candidate for regional elections on December 21. (Photo: AFP)

A Belgian judge has granted conditional release to sacked Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont and four of his ministers, and the group is scheduled to appear at court within 15 days, Belgian prosecutors said on Monday.

Puigdemont, who turned himself in to Belgian police after Spain issued a European arrest warrant for rebellion and misuse of public funds, is barred from leaving Belgium without a judge's consent.

"The next step in the proceedings is the appearance of the five defendants before the Chambre du Conseil within the next 15 days," prosecutors said in a statement.


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