Art Alert: Rector Verso dance performance at Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Ahram Online , Sunday 1 Apr 2018

The performance is a part of the Silsilah Dance Project

Recto Verso dance performance (Photo: part of promotional material)

A dance performance titled Rector Verso (Wesh We Dahr) will be performed at Bibliotheca Alexandrina on 5 April.

The dance piece is produced by Centre Rezodance and the Silsilah Dance Project, and is choreographed by Mohamed Fouad and Bérengère Valour.

Silsilah Dance Project is an Alexandria-based programme managed by Centre Rezodance, which offersyoung people the opportunity to enroll in a 5-month dance training programme.

Mohamed Fouad is an Egyptian choreopgrapher. His latest dance piece, titled Without Damage, was staged in March as part of D-CAF festival.

Bérengère Valouris a French choreographer, and one of three international choreographers in the Silsilah Dance Project with whom the programme's participants developed their projects.

5 April at 8pm
Bibliotheca Alexandrina Conference Center, Great Hall, Conference Center

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