File Photo: British Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab (Reuters)
British Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab said on Monday that he was confident that the United Kingdom will make progress and eventually clinch a Brexit deal with the European Union.
"We keep on negotiating in good faith, we try and get the best deal we can, but we are ready for all eventualities," Raab told TalkRadio.
"We'll keep negotiating in good faith, I'm confident we'll get there."
Prime Minister Theress May said on Friday that Brexit talks with the EU had hit an impasse, defiantly challenging the bloc to come up with its own plans after EU leaders savaged her proposals.
"These blips in the world, they're blown a little bit out of proportion, but we double down, we don't throw our toys out the pram, hold our nerve, keep our cool," Raab said.
"The vast majority, the silent majority in this country just want us to get on with it and that's what we're doing."
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