Shalaby is the star of acclaimed filmmaker Sherif Arafa’s latest ‘Al-Garima’, a thriller crime mystery that takes place in the 70s starring Ahmed Ezz alongside Maged El-Kedwany and Sayed Ragab that will hit theatres on Wednesday.
The same day will also witness the premier of her comedy ‘Men Agl Zeko’, which is directed by Peter Mimi and features Karim Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz and Amr Abdel-Gelil.
The first ever Egyptian actress to be nominated for an Emmy, Shalaby received the Faten Hamama Excellence Award at the 41st Cairo International Film Festival in 2019 for her score of achievements.
Since 2001, Menna Shalaby collaborated with most of the top filmmaking crews in a number of important films like ‘Al-Saher’, ‘Baheb El-Cima’, ‘Ahla Al-Aw’at’, ‘Banat Wust Al-Balad’, ‘A’an Al-Eshk Wal-Hawa’, ‘Heya Fawda’, ‘Microphone’, ‘Nawara’, ‘Al-Asleyeen’, ‘Torab Al-Mas’, and other acclaimed pictures.
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