Kuwait s deputy prime minister and interior minister Sheikh Ahmad al-Mansour al-Sabah, deputy prime minister and defence minister Sheikh Hamad Jaber al-Ali-al-Sabah and foreign minister Sheikh Ahmad Nasser al-Mohammad al-Sabah walk together during a parliament session at the National Assembly headquarters in Kuwait City on February 16, 2022. AFP
In a joint statement to reporters, the country's defence and interior ministers decried their inability to achieve "the reforms and development that the Kuwaiti people deserve'' and a national political atmosphere "full of quarrelling.'' It was not immediately clear whether the prime minister would accept their resignations.
Their defiant move threatens to plunge Kuwait's government into further chaos at a time of deepening gridlock between the emir-appointed Cabinet and elected National Assembly.
Oil-rich Kuwait bans political parties but gives parliament power to pass and block laws, question ministers and submit no-confidence votes against senior officials.
Last week, lawmakers grilled the foreign minister for hours about his alleged misuse of public funds. He survived a vote of no confidence on Wednesday.
Defense Minister Sheikh Hamad Jaber al-Ali Al Sabah and Interior Minister Sheikh Ahmed Mansour al-Ahmed Al Sabah, also members of Kuwait's royal family, criticized the lengthy and frequent interrogations as an "abuse'' of the constitutional powers granted to lawmakers.
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