Fourth Arab Water Conference opens at Arab League in Cairo

MENA , Habiba Hamdy , Wednesday 30 Nov 2022

The Fourth Arab Water Conference opened on Wednesday at the Arab League (AL) headquarters in Cairo, focusing on discussing the challenges of, and recommendations for, Arab water security.

An Arab League foreign ministers meeting in Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2022. AP


The two-day forum is organised by Palestine, the AL, and Arab Water Experts Network under the theme "Arab Water Security for Life, Sustainable Development, and Peace" and the management of regional and international changes.

The conference seeks to create a space for discussing the multiple aspects of Arab water security in order to procure recommendations and solutions to the problem. Participants include the ministers of water resources and irrigation, regional and international organisations, Arab delegates, and concerned stakeholders, experts, and decision-makers from the public and private sectors.

A paramount goal, according to the conference website, is to raise awareness about water scarcity and its challenges as well as to promote integration and interconnection policies in the management of not just water but also agriculture, energy, and other sectors.

Moreover, the website reports, the conference is crucial to enhance and strengthen transboundary water cooperation in line with the Sixth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG6), the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, and the Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses.

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