American University in Cairo
Al-Sheikh Rihan St, off Tahrir Square, Tel 02 2615 2694/01280009077
Main Campus
Fri 6 and Sat 7, 9am-5pm: The Tenth International Language Assessment Conference in Egypt (ILACE) is offered by the British Council and the American University in Cairo (AUC). ILACE is a two-day face-to-face professional development event for the worldwide ELT community. Speakers: Carolyn Westbrook, Test Development Researcher at the British Council and Amy Devine, Senior Research Manager in the English Research Group at Cambridge University Press and Assessment,
Ghada El-Sayed, Teacher at AUC's Graduate School of Education and Notting Hill College, UK, Mohamed Adel Samk, Cambridge CEM and CELTA Tutor, and Sahar Abdel-Gawwad, Teacher at AUC's School of Continuing Education.
ILACE each year welcomes hundreds of teachers, assessment specialists, education reformers, and researchers from across the Middle East, North Africa, and globally to engage in scholarly discussion around language assessment. Hot issues such as using technology in assessment, high-stakes exams, test designs and inclusive assessments are gaining more and more interest every day. ILACE seeks to provide opportunities for professional development, networking, and scholarly discussion and debate within the area of language assessment. It also aims to promote active involvement and participation by offering opportunities for the exchange of ideas, expertise, and perspectives from Egypt, the region, and worldwide. The ILACE conference focuses on how key principles and theories in language can enhance our teachings for the preparation of assessments.
There is no registration onsite, for more information click here
American University in Cairo
New Cairo Campus
Alwaleed Hall - Room P071
Sun 8, 9am – Thurs 12, 5pm: This Summer School empowers Arabic-speaking students and scientists with the skills to explore brain activity through Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) and electroencephalogram (EEG) data analysis. The event is organized by Arabs in Neuroscience with the Computer Science and Biology departments and sponsored by IBRO, the summer school features lectures, hands-on tutorials, and a project component. Participants will engage in experimental design, data collection, analysis and project presentations, with opportunities for networking and socializing with faculty and peers (public and community event).
The Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC)
1 Dr. Mahmoud Azmi St, Zamalek, Tel 02 2738 2522
Thurs 12, 6pm: "Hypnotists and Jinn in 1930s Cairo" a lecture by Raphael Cormack, Assistant Professor of Arabic at Durham University (UK). The early twentieth century in Egypt was a time of intellectual exploration. Among the many new doctrines, sciences, and philosophies that were setting Cairo ablaze, one of the most unusual was hypnotism. Experimental and, often, weird it existed on the outer reaches of modern science but it had a number of high profile adherents in Egypt. By the 1920s, a series of charismatic young men were using the supposed power of hypnosis to accomplish all kinds of inexplicable miracles. This talk tells their story and sets it alongside the much older (still thriving) tradition of Jinn summoning which hit the headlines in 1930s Cairo, when an Italian woman was convinced by an unscrupulous set of Jinn summoners to hand over a large amount of her fortune and marry Shamhurish, a king of the Jinn. Cormack's first book, Midnight in Cairo, told the story of the women of Egypt's early 20th century entertainment industry. The talk is based on research he did for his forthcoming book Holy Men of the Electromagnetic Age. The institute works on a first-come, first-served basis as the number of seats is limited.
El Sawy Culturewheel
End of 26th of July St, underneath the 15th of May Bridge, Zamalek, Tel 2736 8881/6178/2737 4448
Word Hall
Sat 7, 6pm: Biography of Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) told by Sheikh Mohab Osman. He will provide a detailed explanation of the events of the Prophet’s biography.
* A version of this article appears in print in the 5 September, 2024 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly
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