Iran top of the agenda in Morsi's Saudi visit: ex-Egypt ambassador

Ahram Online , Wednesday 11 Jul 2012

President Mohamed Morsi will discuss Egyptian-Iranian relations with Saudi king during first official presidential visit, says former assistant minister Hani Khalaf to Sada El-Balad TV channel Tuesday

President Morsi and Ambassador El Katan
President Morsi and Ambassador El Katan (Photo: Saudi Embassy's media bureau)

President Mohamed Morsi is expected to discuss Egyptian-Iranian relations amongst other important regional issues in his visit to Saudi Arabia this week, Ambassador Hani Khalaf told Sada El-Balad private TV channel, Tuesday.

The former assistant foreign minister for Arab affairs also said in the televised interview that Morsi will “listen to the views of the Saudi King regarding alliances which Saudi Arabia oppose."

Observers have added that Iran is likely to be at the top of the agenda as the president has been invited to the Islamic republic next August to attend the General Assembly of the Non-Aligned Movement, an organisation of 120 member states who consider themselves not formally associated with any major world power bloc.

Morsi leaves for his first official foreign visit as president on Wednesday afternoon. He is expected to arrive at King Abdul Aziz Airport in Jeddah, where he will be greeted by Saudi Crown Prince. After a state dinner with Saudi Monarch Abdullah bin Abdel Aziz, Morsi will then head to the Egyptian consulate where he will meet members of Saudi's Egyptian expat community.

On Wednesday evening, Morsi will perform the Umrah pilgrimage and will head to the city of Madina on Thursday, where he will visit the Mosque of the Prophet before returning to Cairo.

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