Science institute confirms Ramadan starts 10 July

Ahram Online, Tuesday 18 Jun 2013

Egypt's National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics Director says they will run another check just before Ramadan to ensure their prediction is correct

National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG) Director Hatem Ouwda says on Tuesday that their research is showing that the Muslim holy month of Ramadan will start 10 July, reports Egypt's state news agency Middle East News Agency (MENA).

The institute will check again on 8 July to confirm they are right about the start of the fasting month.

Muslims fast from dawn until dusk for a month, pursuant to Islamic doctrine on Ramadan.

Ramadan comes roughly 10 days earlier  every year, with this year noon-time temperatures reaching up to 40 degrees.

Daytime is also longer in the summer than in the winter and for several years to come Ramadan will fall during the summer.

Egypt will witness the longest daytime in 33 years.

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