Minister of Defence and Military Production Abdel Mageed Saqr with several senior military officers listening to a briefing during an inspection of the Alexandria Naval Base.
The visit aimed to assess the armed forces' combat readiness and operational capabilities.
During the tour, Saqr was briefed on the security measures implemented in the Northern Fleet's operational area. He also observed a practical demonstration of training activities, highlighting the naval forces’ high combat efficiency.

The tour included visits to several naval units to evaluate their readiness and engagements with specialized teams to discuss their execution methods of assigned tasks and their mastery of modern combat systems integrated into the naval forces.
The minister emphasized that Egypt will remain a model of unity and national cohesion, setting an example for other nations across generations.

Saqr further noted current events and the rapidly evolving changes in the region, highlighting their implications for Egypt’s national security.
He stressed that the armed forces' capabilities and efficiency remain the cornerstone and decisive deterrent in addressing surrounding threats.

The minister praised the armed forces personnel's unwavering dedication, firm resolution, and deep-rooted values in fulfilling their sacred duty to protect the nation and defend its sanctities, regardless of the sacrifices required.

He conveyed President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi’s greetings and appreciation of the naval forces’ efforts in safeguarding the nation’s borders and coastline.
For his part, Ashraf Atwa, commander of the Egyptian Naval Forces, affirmed the navy's unwavering commitment to protecting Egypt’s coasts and territorial waters and addressing maritime threats on all strategic fronts.

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