Egypt sets train ticket prices in USD for foreigners

Ahram Online , Monday 2 Jan 2023

The Egyptian National Railway Authority announced on Monday the prices of train tickets in US dollars for foreigners looking to book seats on the cross-country Alexandria-Aswan train.



The cheapest tickets foreigners can buy are $15 second class tickets from Alexandria’s Sidi Gaber station to Cairo’s Ramses station, while the most expensive are $65 first class tickets on the VIP train from Alexandria’s Sidi Gaber station to Aswan station.

Below are the full prices.

Minster of Transportation Kamel Al-Wazir declared in late December that foreign tourists can pay for their train tickets in US dollars or euros via bank card starting January 2023.

Foreign tourists already pay in US dollars for tickets for the sleeping trains in Egypt, which are sold for foreigners at $120 per passenger or $80 each per two passengers.

The step comes at a time when tourists are increasingly using trains to travel inside the country, following the inauguration of Spanish first-class air-conditioned trains along the Cairo-Alexandria line, the minister said.

The move aims to help secure hard currency liquidity amid the rising value of the US dollar, as well as ease the burden on the Central Bank of Egypt.

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