The death toll in the two road accidents that took place in Sharkiya on Tuesday has risen to 35 after the passing of onother casualty.
The body of Badr Ibrahim Metwalli, a 22-year-old construction worker, was handed over to his family earlier today after he died from his injuries in the El-Ahrar Hospital, where most of the casualties were treated.
Metwalli suffered a skull fracture, a brain hemorrhage, a broken arm and several broken ribs.
The accident that led to his death took place on the 10th of Ramadan Road on Tuesday, after a pickup truck with 15 passengers crashed into another pickup truck and a cab. Another accident in the governorate took place on the same day, on the Fakkos and Zaqaziq Road. The two accidents had, so far, left 35 dead and 40 injured.
The governorate of Sharkiya is located 70 km northeast of Cairo. It is believed that the accidents were caused due heavy fog and poor safety measures.
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