In statement released on Sunday, the EMA stated that from Monday till Friday Greater Cairo, the Nile Delta, South Sinai, and northern Upper Egypt will witness hot weather, while the North Coast will see moderate weather.
Southern Upper Egypt, however, will witness extremely hot tempreatures.
Greater Cairo and the Nile Delta are expected to see highs ranging from 31 to 35 degrees Celsius and lows of 18 to 19 degrees from Monday till next Friday, according to the EMA.
The North Coast is expected to see highs of 26 to 29 degrees and lows of 17, while South Sinai will see highs of 33 to 35 and lows of 22 to 24.
Additionally, northern Upper Egypt will see highs of 32 to 37 and lows of 19 to 21, while southern Upper Egypt will see highs of 36 to 39 and lows of 22 to 24.
Over the past Saturday and Sunday, Greater Cairo and Lower Egypt saw a drop in temperatures, with highs of 27 and lows of 17.
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