April 6 Movement goes to US and criticises it for backing Mubarak's regime

Ahram Online, Tuesday 3 May 2011

During a tour of universities in the States, members of the April 6 Youth Movement tells the Obama administration to supports Palestinian rights instead of oppressive Arab regimes

The general coordinator of the April 6 Youth Movement, Ahmed Maher, has criticised the US for its long standing support of the oppressive Mubarak regime. He also lambasted the Obama administration for not taking a clear stand in the early days of Egypt’s revolution.

Maher’s statements were made during a visit by the April 6 Movement to the universities of Harvard and Massachusetts where members of the group talked of their experiences since 2005, under Mubarak’s regime and through to the January 25 Revolution.

As well as discussing American foreign policy in terms of Egypt, Maher laid into America’s policy of supporting oppressive Arab regimes for the sake of protecting its interests and Israel. He advised the US government to reconsider such a strategy.

Peace in the Middle East, said Maher, can only be accomplished by resolving the Palestinian situation. The US government, he added, should endorse and support Palestinian rights.

Fellow April 6 member Walid Rashed added that the US administration supplied Egypt with tear gas cannisters, which security forces used to attack demonstrators during the revolution.    

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