Ousted president Mubarak still in resort town

Ahram Online, Saturday 28 May 2011

Informed sources refute rumours to Ahram Online that Egypt’s ousted president Mubarak has been moved to Cairo; they say he is still in custody at the hospital in Sharm El-Sheikh

Hosni Mubarak
Hosni Mubarak is still in Sharm El-Sheikh

Informed sources refute allegations that deposed president Hosni Mubarak had been transferred from International Sharm El-Sheikh Hospital to a Cairo-based facility.

Mubarak has been remanded to police custody for weeks as he’s accused of illicit profiteering and ordering the killing of peaceful protesters during the January 25 Revolution.

The sources also played down reports that some protesters tried to break into the hospital where Mubarak is held captive and interrogated.

Mubarak, 83, was toppled on 11 February following Egypt’s 18-day revolt. He was arrested, along with both of his sons and many of the former regime oligarchs, on multiple charges but after suffering heart problems has not been transferred to a jail but rather to a hospital in a Red Sea resort town.

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