Trial to strip Gamal Mubarak and Elbaradei of Egyptian nationality delayed

Ahram Online, Sunday 5 Jun 2011

The trial for the petition to drop Gamal Mubarak and presidential hopeful, ElBaradei's Egyptian citizenship (therefore excluding them from running for president) has been postponed to 19 June

‎Mohamed Elbaradei, Gamal Mubarak
‎Mohamed Elbaradei (L) and Gamal Mubarak

The administrative court postponed until 19 June a lawsuit filed by lawyer and activist, Hamed ‎Sedik, to petition the minister of interior and the cabinet to strip Gamal Mubarak and ‎Mohamed ElBaradei of Egyptian nationality. ‎
Sedik argues that Gamal, the younger son and erstwhile heir apparent of ousted president Hosni Mubarak, should not be allowed to keep his ‎Egyptian nationality because he was granted British citizenship without permission from ‎Egyptian authorities.‎

Likewise, he says, presidential hopeful, ElBaradei, should be dealt the same verdict for acquiring the Swedish nationality, even though the former head of the International Atomic ‎Energy Agency had denied having citizenship from any other country except Egypt.

Today’s session was postponed because Sedik was not in attendance.‎

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