Egypt's PM to settle 'elections first' or 'Constitution first' Sunday

Ahram Online, Thursday 16 Jun 2011

Egypt’s interim Prime Minister Essam Sharaf is to decide on the chronological order of parliamentary elections and new constitution on Sunday

PM Essam Sharaf
Prime Minister Essam Sharaf addressing demonstrators in Tahrir Square, upon his nomination for the PM post (File photo)

Egypt’s interim Prime Minister Essam Sharaf is to convene with political parties’ chiefs on Sunday to decide whether the parliamentary elections will take place before voting on a new constitution or vice versa.
A nationwide debate had erupted of late over which of the two pivotal events should precede the other, with many people from across the political spectrum campaigning for delaying the parliamentary, and convening a consensual constituent assembly beforehand.

The meeting will be Sharaf’s first one with the leaders of recently-founded or yet-to-be-launched political parties.

The Egypt premier had previously said that he would rather postpone the parliamentary elections. A final decision should be made on Sunday.

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