Egypt's minister of interior to transfer accused officers away from the public

Ahram Online, Tuesday 19 Jul 2011

Policemen who are accused of killing protesters are to be transferred away from front-line roles to administrative positions

Minister of Interior Mansour El-Eissawy decided on Tuesday that all officers currently facing accusations of killing demonstrators are to be transferred to the ministry’s administrative section, away from security services and the public.

El-Eissawy has recently embarked on a ministry reshuffle, impacting upon the careers of 4,000 police officers, ending the service of 505 major-generals and brigadier-generals, and 82 colonels. These include 18 major-generals and nine brigadier-generals accused of killing protesters. 

El-Eissawy’s decision to transfer officers oomes after the Cabinet had announced that all officers undergoing interrogations should either be transferred or suspended. 

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