Egypt's revolutionaries call for protests against military's re-enactment of emergency laws

Ahram Online , Wednesday 14 Sep 2011

In an uproar against Egypt's ruling military decree enforcing once again heavy-handed emergency laws that surpressed freedom for decades, revolutionaries are calling for mass protests on Friday

The Coalition of Egypt’s Revolutionaries urge Egyptian masses to join the “Friday of No Emergency Law” protests in Tahrir Square on 16 September.

The group said that they will answer the calls for protests by the Revolutionary Youth Union and organise their own marches to Tahrir Square during the day, but do not plan an open-ended sit in and will leave when night falls. The calls for protests came after the military council announced that they will reactivate the decades-long emergency law.

The coalition emphasised in a statement that they will not allow anyone to push Egypt backwards. They also stressed that there is no justification for the military council’s decision to reactivate the emergency law and blamed the current security vacuum on the police force, who they say released many thugs on 28 January in an attempt to terrorize Egyptians into submission.

“The military council has repeatedly said that they are our partners in this revolution, but they do not represent the whole revolution,” said Amer El-Wakeel, the general-coordinator of the coalition.

“So they need to discuss matters with their partners, before they take us back to the dark ages. And I want to ask them, what will solve this security crisis: the emergency law or the police force doing its job?”

El-Wakeel added that those who will participate in the “Friday of No Emergency Law,” will lay out their demands, which include speedy parliamentary elections, the ending of military trials for civilians and the establishment of an independent judiciary.

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