Egypt doctors march to Cabinet headquarters for better health care

Ahram Online, Sunday 2 Oct 2011

Doctors continue to press for better health care and working conditions ahead of Cabinet meeting scheduled for Tuesday

A group of doctors demonstrated in front of the Cabinet office on Sunday, protesting that government policies ignore demands for better health care. The doctors chanted for increased equality in health care access.

The doctors’ demands include the cleansing of the ministry of health of corrupt figures, increasing doctors’ wages and increasing the health care budget from 3% to 15% of public spending. A Cabinet meeting is due on Tuesday and should discuss several issues which include the doctors’ demands. 

State doctors nationwide have been striking on and off for months. The latest strike was declared on 10 September by the Coalition of Young Doctors and Doctors Without Rights. Doctors stopped work in non-emergency units at various hospitals in many governorates. The strikes were strongest in places like Suez, Ismailia and Gharbiya (100 per cent participation) and has recently gained strength in Alexandria (70 per cent participation), but is so far weaker in the capital. Doctors in Asyut declared they will be joining the strike on Sunday.


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