Outside Military court by "Adam Makary"
Lawyers for Maikel Nabil, the detained blogger who has been on hunger strike for 43 days, stood in front of the military court prosecution today to hear the court's verdict on his appeal.
Outside military court C28 activists gathered in solidarity carrying banners reading ‘No to military trials’, ‘No to military regime’, and ‘Free Maikel Nabil’.
Soldiers were particularly aggressive with protesters today, arresting an activist Sahar Maher, from the Free Maikel Nabil group for her chants against the military, and a foreign journalist for taking videos, while a third journalist from the Christian Science Monitor was forced to delete all her photos. They also confiscated the Iranian Press TV video camera.
Nabil was sentenced to three years in jail by a military court for criticising the army in one of his blogs titled 'The people and the army were never one hand’. Many activists and revolutionaries criticised Nabil’s sentence, insisting that civilians should not be tried in a military court and that freedom of expression is one of the main values of the Egyptian Revolution. However, Nabil remained in jail and began a hunger strike to protest what he believed was unfair detainment.
Earlier this week, it was reported that Nabil’s health was deteriorating rapidly and that he is suffering from kidney failure. Nabil’s brother Mark told Ahram Online that if today’s appeal fails, Nabil will begin refusing water as well as food.
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