Protesters in-front of Cairo's Journalists Syndicate against the cabinet's referral of the Egyptian-Saudi Red Sea island deal to parliament on 2 January 2017 (Photo: Facebook)
A Cairo appeals court ordered on Wednesday the release pending investigation of 12 protesters arrested over illegally demonstrating last week in front of Cairo's Journalists Syndicate against the cabinet's referral of the Egyptian-Saudi Red Sea island while the matter was still in court.
The court has set EGP 20,000 bail for each defendant.
The defence is considering appealing the bail amount, according to lawyer Tamer Gomaa.
The protesters were arrested on 2 January after assembling at the steps of the syndivate in downtown Cairo to protest against the cabinet's decision to refer the contoversial island deal to parliament for discussions even though the matter was still awaiting a court ruling.
On 16 January, Egypt’s High Administrative Court rejected a government appeal against a June decision by an administrative court that affirmed Egyptian sovereignty over the Red Sea islands of Tiran and Sanafir.
The deal sparked widespread public outcry and a number of street protests after it was initially announced in April 2016.
Dozens of protesters have been arrested for demonstrating without permits, most of whom have been released after paying hefty fines.
The High Administrative Court’s verdict cannot be appealed.
However, Parliament is still considering whether to discuss and vote on the agreement or not.
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