Court issues preliminary death sentence for massacre of family in Beheira

Ahram Online , Monday 12 Mar 2018

The Damanhour Criminal Court has issued a preliminary death sentence against a man convicted of killing a family of four in Beheira Governorate in 2017.

The sentence has been referred to Egypt's grand mufti for his non-binding opinion on whether it should be carried out.

The case dates back to last year's Eid Al-Adha religious feast, when residents of Ezbet-Hawy village, within the district of Kafr El-Dawar, discovered the bodies of four family members slaughtered inside their home.

Police arrested a man from the same village on suspicion of the massacre.

Investigators stated that he spent the evening with the family and later burgled the house, killing the husband, wife and two children in the process.

If the grand mufti gives his approval to the death sentence, it will be issued as a final sentence and the execution will follow.

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