Egypt's Minister of Social Solidarity Ghada Wali (Photo: Reuters)
Egypt's Ministry of Social Solidarity said it is relocating 82 families from Cairo informal area of Manshiyet Nasser to Asmarat City district after a Monday rockslide destroyed some homes in the area.
According to Minister Ghada Wali, the families whose homes were affected by the rockslide will be relocated to residential units built by Nasser Social Bank in Asmarat City south of Mokattam.
Manshiat Nasser is a densely-populated informal housing area built adjacent to Mokattam hill in south Cairo.
Egypt has been pushing with efforts to eliminate informal housing through the provision of adequate alternatives to residents, including the newly constructed Asmarat City near Mokattam.
There were no reported injuries or fatalities as a result of the rockslide.
In press statements, the head of Manshiyet Nasser neighborhood, Mohamed Abdel-Galil, explained that the area affected by the fall of mountainous crusts was uninhabited at the time of the incident because it was already evacuated of residents by the authorities in accordance with the recommendations of the country’s Geological Scientific Committee.
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