Asmaa Mahfouz of Egypt (Photo: Reuters)
Ain Shams Misdemeanours Court ruled today in absentia a sentence of one year in jail and a fine of LE2000 against political activist Asmaa Mahfouz for assaulting Abdel-Aziz Fahmy, an Egyptian citizen.
The former April 6 Youth Movement member, Mahfouz, denies having ever met Fahmy. She told Al-Ahram's Arabic language portal that the case is politically motivated and designed to ruin her reputation as an activist. Furthermore, she claims to have received threats after the court ruling was announced.
Justifying her point, Mahfouz told Al-Ahram that Fahmy is the same man who previously filed cases against political activists Alaa Abdel-Fattah and Ahmed Abou-Doma.
The female political activist accuses the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) of being behind the case.
"After the prosecutor-general found me innocent in the foreign funding case, the SCAF is currently accusing me of beating up a citizen I have never seen in my whole life," Mahfouz told Al-Ahram.
So far, Mahfouz is choosing inaction as the way to deal with the accusations and ruling.
In October 2011, a group of military officers filed a complaint to the military court against activist Asmaa Mahfouz and Nour Ayman Nour, accusing the duo of insulting them and the ruliung SCAF. Last summer, Mahfouz came close to standing military trial after facing similar accusations by Egypt's military rulers. The army dropped the charges.
After the cases filed by Fahmy, Doma, a member of the Youth for Justice and Freedom Movement, was arrested on charges of inciting violence against the army during clashes between protesters and army soldiers on 16 December, following the violent dispersal of a three-week sit-in at the Cabinet offices in Cairo. Doma is still in prison.
Abdel-Fattah, a prominent Egyptian blogger and activist, was arrested in October 2011 on charges that included inciting violence during the bloody, military crackdown on Coptic rights protesters at Maspero on 9 October. His arrest sparked a public outcry in Egypt and around the world. Abdel-Fattah was released on 25 December 2011.
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