Cabinet approves draft law for real estate national ID system in Egypt

Ahram Online , Wednesday 9 Aug 2023

The Cabinet passed a draft law in its weekly meeting on Wednesday to establish a national ID system for real estate properties.

Egypt cabinet


According to a Cabinet statement, the draft law stipulates that a national electronic database for real estate be established whereby each property will be designated with a non-duplicable unified identifier linked to the codes of Egypt’s unified BaseMap, read the statement.

Furthermore, the draft law states that the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), in coordination with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, as well as other ministries and relevant entities, will be responsible for determining the components of the unified national property identifier. 

These entities will work to establish an updatable unified national property identification database that can link real estate properties with other forms of identification, such as issued cards and vehicle license plates.

The specific entity responsible for the database's operational procedures will be officially decided by Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly, according to the Cabinet’s statement.  

The system is expected to assist in government planning and development processes by providing authorities with a simplified system to register old properties; a crucial aid given Egypt's millions of unregistered old buildings nationwide.

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