Five detained for attempting to storm Alexandria US consulate

MENA, Saturday 15 Sep 2012

Alexandria prosecutor-general detains five pending investigations on charges of attempting to storm US consulate during Friday's protests against anti-Islam film

Police arrested five people in front of the US consulate in Alexandria during Friday's protests against a US-made film deemed derogatory to Islam and the Prophet Mohamed.

The five were detained for four days pending investigations. They are accused of attempting to storm the US consulate and assaulting police officers attempting to secure the consulate premises during protests that saw rocks and gas canisters thrown, injuring five soldiers.

Earlier on Wednesday, crowds of angry, mainly Muslim, protesters gathered at the US Embassy in Cairo to denounce the controversial film, titled The Innocence of Muslims.

Clashes at the US Embassy in Cairo erupted mid-week and continued through Friday. Two protesters were killed, some 260 were arrested, and around 200 were injured, according to latest reports.

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