VIDEO: Liberal, Islamist parties join Eid celebrations in Egypt

Ahram Online , Friday 26 Oct 2012

Political parties add to the festive ambiance of Eid after prayers on the grounds in front of the popular Mostafa Mahmoud Mosque in Cairo's Mohandessin

Eid festival at Mostafa Mahmoud Square. (Photo: Ahram Online)

To celebrate the holy Muslim day of Eid Al-Adha, Egyptian political parties campaigned in a festive atmosphere on the front patio grounds of Mostafa Mahmoud Mosque.

After thousands prayed at the mosque the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party held a children's theatre performance and played music for the many kids.

"The Brotherhood is used to creating a festive atmosphere for the people," Tamer Hosni, FJP member told Al-Ahram Arabic language news portal.

For their part, the liberal Constitution Party (Dostour Party) passed out Happy Eid cards.

Dostour Party member, Mohamed Hazem, however assured that his party is taking part in Eid celebrations (see video) with the people - not talking politics.

Many Cairo residents go to the highly popular Mostafa Mahmoud Mosque for their Eid prayers. The mosque sits in a well-to-do congested Mohandessin district, where the rich contrast highly with the poor, who regularly seek solace at the mosque.

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