Protesters hone in on Nasr City state security

Ekram Ibrahim , Saturday 5 Mar 2011

Aiming to prevent its archives being burnt, protesters are flooding to Nasr City's state security building, where they say torture was rampant before the 25 January Revolution

Around 1000 protesters are gathering now around the state security headquarters in Nasr City calling on the military to take over the building and prevent documents being burnt as has happened in other state security buildings around Egypt.

The protesters say that Nasr City state security was one of the worst in terms of torturing civilians. Accordingly, they are calling on whoever was detained or tortured there to join the protest and not leave before the military takes over.

Currently Alexandria and 6th of October state security HQs are under the rule of the military, while Qena, Port Said, Zagazig, Domiat and Tanta state security buildings have seen fires erupt and protesters calling for action to prevent document burning.

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