Book Alert: Nael El-Toukhy to sign English translations of Women of Karantina

Ahram Online, Monday 10 Nov 2014

Diwan bookstore in Zamalek will host writer and journalist Nael El-Toukhy on 18 November

Book Cover
Book Cover

Women of Karantina by Nael El-Toukhy, Trans: Robin Moger, Cairo: AUC Press, 2014.

Diwan bookstore in Zamalek will host writer and journalist Nael El-Toukhy on Tuesday 18 November at 7pm.

He will sign the English edition of his latest novel, Women of Karantina. The event will also feature a reading.

Originally published in Arabic by Dar-Merit in 2013, the novel navigates an imaginary underworld in the coastal city of Alexandria, mixing humour and misery in a lengthy epic.

Nael El-Toukhy was born in 1978. He is culture editor at Egyptian newspaper Akhbar Al-Adab, and published his first novel in 2006 entitled Laila Antoun. He gained a great attention for his novel 2006, which was published in 2009.

The English translation of Women of Karantina is by Robin Moger, a well-known translator of Arabic literature who currently lives in Cape Town, South Africa. He graduated with a degree in Egyptology and Arabic from Oxford.


Tuesday, 18 Nov, 7:00pm

Diwan Zamalek Book Store

Zamalek, Cairo



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