Renowned Egyptian critic and Andalusian studies specialist El-Taher Makki dies at 93

Mohammed Saad , Wednesday 5 Apr 2017

Makki was one of the most specialised critics in the field of Andalusian literature

El-Taher Ahmad Makki (Photo: Al-Ahram)

Renowned Egyptian writer, critic and translator El-Taher Ahmad Makki died on Wednesday at the age of 93.

Makki was born in a village near Isna, Upper Egypt in April 1924. 

He was one of the most well-known critics and writers in the fields of Arabic Literature and old and contemporary poetry.

His works on Andalusian poetry have been indispensible assets for research.

He studied the codices of the Andalusian poet and theologian Ibn Hazm (994 -1064), and published his most famous book "The Ring of the Pigeon."

Makki authored many books on comparative Arabic literature and comparative Islamic literature.

He translated some of the works of the French medievalist, orientalist and Arabist Évariste Lévi-Provençal, most famously The Arab Civilisation in Andalusia.

Makki won the state's First Class Order of Science Award in 1992 and the Excellence Award from Cairo University in 2009.

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