New Release: 28 Letters by Ahmed Helmy

Ahram Online, Thursday 5 Apr 2012

Famous film actor Ahmed Helmy has released his first book, representing his response as a witness to the Egyptian revolution

Book Cover

25 Harf (28 Letters), by Ahmed Halmy, Cairo: Shorouk Publishing House, 2012. 158pp.

Famous Egyptian film actor Ahmed Helmy has just released his first book entitled 28 Harf (28 Letters), from Shorouk Publishing House. The book comprises 24 articles written before and after the January 25 Revolution.

Featuring Helmy’s picture on its cover, the book begins with a chapter entitled "Mesh-Moqadima" ("Not a preface"), where Helmy introduces himself with his full name and his family. Helmy then addresses in subsequent chapters various social and political issues, revealing the worries and the suffering of ordinary Egyptians.

The title of the book refers to the Arabic alphabet, which contains 28 letters.

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